Alien Translation

Poor old Rilux the alien is stranded on Earth. To make matters worse his translator isn’t working very well!


Section 1

A – Copy these sentences and replace the alien words with real words. Look at the endings of the words for clues.

  1. Mark looked at the gkdoiaful flower.
  2. Daniel iolskly ran away from the dog.
  3. The weatherman said it would be a very igjhy day.
  4. "What a klngahful piece of work," said the teacher.
  5. The Wicked Witch was very hksy.
  6. The box was so kdiey that Paul couldn’t pick it up.
  7. John was ersaiiklnred that he couldn’t go out to play.
  8. Ryan walked kfooly down the road.


B – Make a list of any other words you could also use for each sentence above. There might not always be another word.

Section 3

Adjectives – are words which describe a noun. Remember that a noun is a name of an object, person, place or other thing.

Adverbs – are words which describe verbs. Remember a verb is a ‘doing word’.

A - Look at the words in the list.

Quickly, happy, cheerfully, unhappily, ugly, disappointed, hopeful, excited, smelly, colourful, carefully, cheerful, wonderful, lively, delighted, stringy, hairy, stupidly, nastily.

Put the words into a table like this.






B – Look carefully at the words in your table. Look at the endings of the words in each column.

Copy these sentences into your book. Fill in the missing parts.


Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Adjectives often end in the letters ___, the letters ____, the letters ___ or the letter ____.

Adverbs are words that describe verbs. Adverbs often end with the letters ___.

Section 4

These words are all in the alien’s language. For each one, write down what type of word you think it is (adjective or adverb). Explain why you think it’s that type of word.

(a) eidudful (b) oieeury (c) roriekely

(d) djhuerded

* If you’ve finished all the sections that your teacher told you to do then go back and see if you can try any of the other sections *