The Tuck Shop

  1. Alan buys two packets of spearmints.
    How many
    individual sweets will he have?
    Alan shares his sweets equally with his three friends. How many sweets will they get each?

  2. Bob has 60p. How many fizzy bottles could he buy?
    Bob buys two packets of chewits instead. How many individual sweets will he have?
    Bob and his two friends share the sweets equally. How many sweets will they get each?

  3. Alan, Bob and Carol decide to buy a packet of spearmints, a chomp bar and a chocolate mouse. how much money will they have spent altogether?
    They decide to share the cost of paying equally between them. How much will each person owe?

  4. Alan, Bob, Carol and Duncan club together to buy some sweets. Alan has 12p, bob has 27p, Carol has 34p and Duncan has 15p.
    How much do they have altogether?
    They buy three packets of chewits. How much money will be left?
    how many individual sweets will they have?
    If they share the sweets equally then how many will they get each?