and Girls'
idea contributed by Debbie Cross
writes: 'First activity to get the children talking French
was to get boys to wear caps (make the same number of girls
as boys so some girls may have to wear a cap/some boys might
not). "Boys" go round the room clockwise, "girls"
anti-clockwise, as in pair dancing, the girl and boy shake hands
and the "boy" says 'bonjour madame' the the girl says
'bonjour monsieur' then they move on to the next person and
repeat until they get back to the beginning. Hats are then changed
over and they repeat. They love it, it causes a few giggle when
the boys are girls and vice versa.
Days of the week go nicely to the tune of 'Frere Jacques' (accent
on the e of frere), jeudi is prolonged to je-eudi
Lundi mardi
Lundi mardi,
Mercredi, mecredi,
Jeudi et vendredi
Jeudi et vendredi
samedi, dimanche
samedi, dimanche
Our children love singing and the alphabet can be sung to the
army marching tune